Top Tips: From Major to Career

So, you’ve chosen a major, studied the subject for 3-4 years, taken all of the required courses and electives, and are ready to graduate in May. It sounds like you have it all figured out, but what are you going to do for a job? How are you going to use that degree in English, anthropology, or art history in a 40-50 year career? Though many people assume that all majors lead directly into pre-defined careers (i.e. accounting, engineering, nursing), a majority of majors prepare you to pursue a variety of options beyond what you might have originally thought possible. Consider these top tips for translating your college major into a successful career:
  1. Assess your skills: Think about your biggest strengths. Are you an excellent communicator? Do you love solving problems? Make a list of your top skills and think about how you can use them in a career. For example: An anthropology major who excels in interpersonal communication, writing, and creativity may pursue a career as a documentary film producer or a magazine reporter.
  2. Research your options: Let the internet be your guide to endless possibilities. Many websites exist to provide comprehensive information on majors, careers, educational requirements, etc. that will prove extremely useful when selecting a career. Some you may choose to check out are What Can I Do With a Major In…?, Occupational Outlook Handbook, and College Board.
  3. Think out of the box: Imagine what your 8-year-old self wanted to be when he or she grew up. Do you still dream of working with the FBI and cracking the most difficult cases? Why not get paid for it and put that sociology degree to work providing aide to profilers and detectives in investigating mysteries and preventing crime? Being creative with your skills can translate into a multitude of career options.

Start thinking now about what career your major will lead to, and explore your options. Avoid restricting yourself to the obvious job choices that you may not be satisfied with in the long run. So what if you love history but don’t want to spend your days in the classroom? There are dozens of other options out there for you to consider, and Career Development Services can help you each step of the way.

Author: Meaghan Lee

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