Student Perspective - Resume: You on a page

How do you express just enough to stand out yet be true to your experiences?

Goal of a resume: To score an interview

The interview is where your personality shines, however there are ways to include your “voice” in the resume.

1) Summary: This is your first impression, think of it as a thesis. These bullet points address what you want to do and what skills you want to use. The remainder of your resume reveals your experiences that compliment the first points.

2) Experience: Be selective about what you present, be able to expound upon it in an interview, and don’t lie! Identify a theme that reoccurs with your activities and relate it to the future job position.

For example: Sally was a majorette and began a service club to broadcast the need for dance in elementary schools. She is applying for a public relations position with Broadway America. Her theme could be: Sally is comfortable in the public eye, identifies people’s needs, and is ambitious in her pursuits. Employers will read your resume to assess the overarching themes that make you a qualified candidate.

3) Professional help: Utilize resources and contacts like Career Development Services, Auburn faculty members, family members, professional friends, business networks, etc. After you develop a concrete resume, have multiple outside eyes offer their advice and refining tips.

4) Tailor it: Make multiple versions of your resume, emphasizing some information over others when applying for various positions.

For example: if you want to work abroad, put your travel or language experiences at the top.

5) Presenting the polished you: KNOW your resume, educate your references on your themes, and update it regularly to keep the information and style current. You never know when the opportunity for employment will arrive!

Click here for more info about resume writing.

Margaret Kloess '10

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