Top 10 Reasons to Attend Career Expo

10. Because neither Snooki nor Honey Boo Boo are offering jobs right now. Step away from the TV for a night.

9. You will make your parents happy.

8. It is FREE! Why not take advantage of the many opportunities to network?

7. This is real social networking.

6. It will pay off, literally. $$$

5. Size up your competition.

4. A chance to get dressed up and impress the ladies/gentlemen. You’re going to like the way you look, we guarantee it.

3. This is the largest concentration of employers on this campus at once all semester. And they want to talk to YOU!

2. The Career Center is "All in" with staff members and volunteers on hand to answer any questions you may have.
1. The Auburn Creed says “I believe that this is a practical world and that I can count only on what I earn.” – This is a great chance to go and earn it.

Auburn University Career Expos are Monday September 17 (Engineering & Technical Majors) & Wednesday September 19 (All Majors) from 3-8pm in the Hotel at Auburn University and Dixon Conference Center.

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