Summer Jobs...How to Find One

Check all that apply to your summer job search preparation:

  • Showered
  • Brushed hair
  • Put on my favorite (though wrinkled) game day t-shirt, pair of shorts (khaki, not my favorite Nike shorts because those aren't appropriate)
  • Put on cap
  • Grabbed wallet/purse, keys
  • Drove downtown and parked
  • Went door to door to complete applications

Check all that apply to what happened next:

  • Realized I needed a pen
  • Walked into first business and said, "Hi, I know you probably don't have anything at this point, but I'm looking for a part-time job this summer. Do you have anything?"
  • Called mom to find out the address and phone number of my last summer job because I couldn't remember
  • Interrupted by cell phone call while talking to potential employer because forgot to turn it off after calling mom
  • Felt awkward when realized everyone was dressed in slacks at my favorite potential job site
  • Horrified when the employer asked if I would be embarrassed to approve him as a Facebook friend

Perhaps you wish you had done this instead:

  • Cleaned up Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, blog, etc. accounts
  • Developed effective resume and printed copies
  • Developed and printed contact list of previous jobs
  • Put together professional portfolio to carry resumes, contact list and pen
  • Groomed and dressed for business casual/professional-ready outing
  • Turned off cell phone and opted to leave it in car
  • Walked into first business and said, "Hi, my name is Ima Tiger, and I'm looking for a summer job. I already love shopping, eating, etc. here, and I would really enjoy being a part of your team. I think I could bring fresh energy, a strong work ethic and a smiling face to work with me every day. Do you have time to talk about my qualifications?"

You will still find some closed doors, but if you approach your summer job search as you would your professional job search you are much more likely to find employment. According to, the number one thing that a manager is seeking in a summer hire is an upbeat attitude. Your availability comes next (know your summer class schedule) with previous experience ranking third. also suggests that you be proactive in making summer money by doing the following: "Start your own business, work as a freelancer or ask a local business about an internship." Don't forget to think about the skill set you already possess and can utilize and what skills you need to hone. Summer jobs and internships can be a great resume builder.

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