During your job search you will likely attend several career fairs, networking receptions, or information sessions and will meet quite a few company representatives. It is up to you to ensure that your great connections don’t fall flat after the fact. Keep the conversations going following networking opportunities by following-up, applying to positions, and connecting through social networking.
Follow Up
Send the representative an email or thank you note expressing your appreciation for the time they spent talking with you at the event. Recap your best qualities as they relate to the company/position and remind them of your interest in working for the company. Keep your message short, to the point, and professional. Try to send this within two days of the event.
Search & Apply
Search the company’s website and Tiger Recruiting Link (TRL) for job openings. Carefully read the job descriptions and application requirements to determine the positions in which you are interested in applying. Revise and tweak your marketing materials (i.e. resume and cover letter) to target each specific job and apply. Keep track of the positions you’ve applied to in a spreadsheet.
Connect & Follow
Search for company representatives on professional networking sites such as LinkedIn. Look for common connections who can offer you an introduction to the representative. Follow the company on LinkedIn and Twitter to stay informed about new openings, campus recruiting visits and corporate news. Take this time to check over your social network profiles and make them as professional as possible.
Building on connections made at employer networking events can help you remain on a company's radar and assert yourself as a motivated candidate. Don't fall off the map by allowing professional contacts to fizzle out.
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