Student Perspective: Strong Interest Inventory

Do you ever get tired of hearing that your personality will determine what your career will be? What about your interests? Personality is nice, but if you are not interested in what you are doing…will you truly enjoy it? Career Development Services offers an assessment called the Strong Interest Inventory (SII) that identifies how your interests align with the interests of people who have been in their careers for at least three years and are satisfied with them.
  • It takes about 30 minutes to complete.
  • Results are discussed with a career counselor.
  • It costs $30...but it is money well spent.
I took the assessment and am indeed very interested in the careers that were suggested to me. However, don't just take the suggestions as the only options. Research the many careers that are shown. And compare your results from TypeFocus and FOCUS (which are free) to see what consistencies are emerging. Also, it identifies majors that are in-line with your career interest areas. (The career counselor can help you navigate how majors at Auburn can help compliment these career goals.)

Since TypeFocus and FOCUS are free (FOCUS offers an interest component), I suggest they be taken before the SII. The more you know about yourself, the better you can identify careers and majors that compliment YOUR interests, personality, skills, etc. So, ..take the assessments, talk to a counselor, choose a major, and have a successful career! (This could take a while...but at least it's a plan!)

Good luck!
Jump-Start James '13

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